Have I got your attention?

I thought so!

Today is my parent’s wedding anniversary. They have been married for 46 years which is a wonderful achievement, a wonderful testimony to the institution of marriage and a wonderful example of faithfulness.

“Mawwage. Mawwage is what bwings us togethew today. Mawwage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam.”

These oft quoted words to do with marriage from the Princess Bride are favourites of mine. What images does the word or concept of marriage conjure up for you?



I would like to end the year with various updates regarding Ukraine. I am glad I was able to spend time there this year and although I don’t know when I will next return to Ukraine, I only need a few seconds with my screensaver to be transported back there.


Sveta writes: “About work. I am thankful for it! Thankful to God for many different people and things that are in my life! The office we've got - I enjoy it!! It's right in the centre of Rzhyshchiv, it's got a beautiful view - a tall pine tree (like in the mountains :) I can see moms with prams walking by (it's like a park area there).

And it is warm! Last year I had to heat up the room with the electric heaters because there wasn't any gas heating, so I was "suffering" from cold for the first ~3 hours of my work time, so I am really glad it's different this time!

The location is good for the parents and the kids because it's in the culture house where are other classes with different leisure activities for kids, so they can move easily from one class to another and people see us walking by, which is good for the "business".

The students. Different, gifted, lovely.. Disobedient, obedient, some are with a surprising desire to learn, some are tired of learning.. But they all are special and challenge me to think of different ways to encourage them in their learning. It's such a blessing to see when they want to come to the classes and when they have good results!”


This area has become a new beacon on my radar this year. I have not only been so blessed to have met the most wonderful girl whilst travelling there, but have also gleaned a great deal about this country and its people. I have a very interesting and challenging article I would love to share with anyone interested in this country.


Six more sleeps and I’m boarding another jet plane for the northwest of the US. I can’t wait to spend 5 weeks with Marie and her family and friends. It will be another northern hemisphere Christmas and New Year for me which I know I will enjoy – even if I will miss the cricket! I’ll tell you more about it when I get back.



I have three teaching days left in grade four and it was a privilege to read out the names of the graduating class as they transit from Junior to Middle school. Next year I have two terms of maternity leave replacement teaching second grade. Praise God for his provision and for the excellent staff I am able to serve alongside.


I finally finished Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky. It was great to finish it for a second time. A current event in Australia led me to pick up on a certain phrase in the book, "Everything seems stupid when it fails". So often we judge something on the outcome rather than on its essence. Is this the right thing to do? A good provocative question for you.

I have started the second of CS Lewis’ space trilogy, Voyage to Venus.


Bethany (Boof) for inviting me to your graduation tonight!